Ryan Than

Motivated ⋅ Collaborative ⋅ Eager

"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun."

Mary Lou Cook

My career interests lie primarily in creative yet technical areas of Computer Science. I am very passionate about front-end software development projects (websites, web/mobile applications, etc.) as they often allow me to take creative liberties while simultaneously applying my technical programming abilities.

I am constantly exploring different software and design tools/frameworks to enhance the usability of the software I create and provide a seamless user experience. I have always believed that creativity drives innovation and I strive to blend the practicality of engineering with the limitless potential of the imagination in everything I work on!


I graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder with a degree in Computer Science (B.S.) and a minor in Creative Technology & Design (CTD) in December 2021. I am currently working as a Software Engineer at Lingoport, Inc. in Boulder, Colorado.

Picture of Ryan Than


  • University of Colorado Boulder

  • August 2017 - December 2021

  • • Computer Science (B.S.)

  • • Creative Technology & Design (Minor)


  • • Cooking & Baking

  • • Traveling

  • • Video Games


Software Development

  • HTML Logo
  • CSS Logo
  • Tailwind CSS Logo
  • JavaScript Logo
  • TypeScript Logo
  • NodeJS Logo
  • React Logo
  • Git Logo
  • GitHub Logo
  • Bash Logo
  • Jenkins Logo
  • Java Logo
  • Python Logo

...and more! I am always learning and experimenting with new software technologies.


  • Figma Logo
  • Adobe Illustrator Logo
  • Adobe Photoshop Logo
  • Adobe InDesign Logo
  • Adobe Dimension Logo
  • Procreate Logo

...and more! I am always eager to explore new design tools and learn more about UI/UX design.